the second coming - no.12
image 26cm x 30cm - framed 45cm x 45cm
series of 12 heads - titled in reference to the William Butler Yeats poem. cardboard collage using acrylic paints, gravel,images of butterfly wings. Also used to create digital prints in Painter (see The 2nd Coming).
Mixed Media
45cm x 45cm
£200.00 Framed
I hope that my work will move people to respond and think. The work may start off with an intention to address an issue, the final piece inevitably has more personal themes, and I like then, to leave the sculpture or image to speak for itself.
I do not deliberately set out to disturb, or upset, but my work grows from my own disquiet and anxiety, it would not have been done if I had not felt so disturbed and compelled to make it.